Current Open Business Categories are subject to change and the list below may not accurately reflect all openings based on changes that may occur in the active membership.
New Member Applicants must be Sponsored by an existing Member.
Complete the adjoining New Member Interest Inquiry to begin the process to join one of the most dynamic business-to-business organizations in Florida.
Attorney - Immigration
Auto Rental
Auto Paint/Body
Aviation Charter/FBO
Boat Builder
Boat/Fishing Charter (Ocean)
Boat Rental
Document Shredding
Fishing Guide (Inshore)
Fishing Equipment Manufacturer
Hair Dresser/Salon
Hardware Store
Human Resources
Land Clearing
Mold Remediation/Removal
Not-For-Profit Business
Pool Contractor
Restaurant – Casual Dining
Restaurant – Formal Dining
Septic Systems
Water Delivery Service
Water Purification Service
New Members Welcome

Q. So...what is the process to become a Member and how does it work?
A. That's a good question. Here's how it works.
Once a business that has a well established track record of providing high quality, reputable service to Martin County residents decides to apply to join the MCBE, you must reach out to a current Member with your interest in joining. Or, you may fill out the Interest Form here on our website and a Member will contact you.
The Member follows protocol and forwards your information to our Membership Chair. It is the responsibility of the Membership Chair to do a preliminary screening of every applicant and present the information to the Board of Directors for the Martin County Business Exchange.
After review, if the Board of Directors deems the applicant to be qualified to join, an invitation will be made for the business owner to attend a regularly scheduled breakfast meeting of the organization.
On occasion, the Membership Chair may invite a guest who has been suggested as a potential Member to attend a breakfast meeting.
The guest appearance is an opportunity for the potential member to meet other businessmen and business women to determine if there is a match to full Membership.
Once that magic match has been determined, a Membership Application and Application Fee may be submitted for full Board Approval with or without conditions of Membership. The Board may also reject Membership. Approved Members will be welcomed to the Martin County Business Exchange at the first Membership breakfast following a Board meeting.
Members who fail to meet attendance requirements may self-terminate their Membership as determined by the Board of Directors.
Membership may also be terminated at the Board's discretion based on Bylaws of the organization.
All new Members are required to attend an Orientation Session and will receive a list of the current Bylaws.